About Us

Thank you for your interest in Scouting!

The mission of Scouts BSA is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

The mission of Troop 1215 is to instill the values of Scouts BSA in young girls and teach them skills necessary to become confident leaders in society.

In order to achieve the aims of Scouting, we utilize the methods of Scouting:

Ideals The ideals are spelled out in the Scout Oath ( On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty, to God and my country, to obey the Scout Law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight) and Scout Law (A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent). Scouts measure themselves against these ideals and continually try to improve.

Personal Growth As they follow the Scout Oath and Scout Law, plan their activities, and progress toward their goals, Scouts grow as individuals of good character.

Association With Adults Responsible adult leaders serve as positive role models, and Scouts learn by observing how those leaders conduct themselves.

  • Scoutmaster Jennifer Smith
  • Assistant Scoutmaster Hollie Sitoski
  • Assistant Scoutmaster Karen Metius-House
  • Treasurer Ericca Burke
  • Advancement Ethan House
  • Chairman Peter Sweyer

Leadership Development Scouts are given repeated opportunities to learn leadership skills and put them into action while serving others.

Patrol Method The patrol method gives each Scout an opportunity to share responsibility, exercise good judgment, and develop participating citizenship. The patrol is the basic unit of Scouting.

In addition to utilizing these methods your daughter will grow through the experiences she has through rank advancement; earning merit badges (exploring different topics ranging from environment science to filmmaking); displaying their successes on their uniforms; camping trips with the troop; High Adventure camping and hiking like attending Philmont; attending National and World Jamborees; advanced leadership training retreats for Scouts that gives them high level preparation for leading groups of people; and service opportunities.

The following were Scouts: 85% of Student Council Presidents, 89% of Senior Class Presidents; 72% of Rhodes Scholars; 26 of the first 29 astronauts; Presidents Kennedy, Ford (Eagle), George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, numerous Cabinet Secretaries; CEO’s like Sam Walton (Eagle) and Bill Gates; and two of my favorites, Stephen Spielberg and David Lynch were also Eagle Scouts.

Youth Protection Training Scouts BSA has invested a lot of time and money in creating a class leading state of the art Youth Protection Training program that gives both adults and children the knowledge and tools to keep themselves safe and empowers them to identify and talk to adult leaders about any concerns they may have regarding another child or adult. This program was implemented in the early 1980’s and the foundation of the program is called Two Deep Leadership versus one on one. Your child will always have two leaders present -- one of which will be female. All electronic communication will include the parent.

Name Change Scouts BSA Scouts BSA has evolved over the years to include more diverse groups of youth with its most recent inclusion of girls, hence the change from Boy Scouts of America to Scouts BSA. The United States joins the ranks of over 170 nations world-wide with Scouting organizations that include girls.

History of girls in Scouts Scouts BSA has a long tradition of girls and women in Scouting as the Venturing Program has always been coed for youth from ages 14-20. Also, women have been adult leaders in Scouts since the beginning. With the inclusion of girls to the main Scouts BSA program, girls are now receiving the same training and experiences that boys have had for over 100 years. Your daughter will be afforded the same opportunities to earn the same awards including the prestigious Eagle Scout Award.

Eagle Scout Award Your daughter will have the opportunity to earn the prestigious Eagle Scout Rank. This is one of the few awards open to any child that has the grit and determination to earn it. Scouts is about much more that obtaining Eagle but for those that do, it is a leg up that helps with college applications and puts you in an exclusive network of people that share a common experience and camaraderie that lasts a lifetime.


How Troop 1215 Operates

  • Executive Committee Parents are encouraged to attend monthly committee meeting where we discuss the aims and goals of the Troop.
  • Weekly Troop Meetings Thursday from 6:00-7:30 at St. Mark Church
  • Camping/Hiking/Service We have a planned activity at least once per month
  • Court of Honor We conduct these once per quarter where we award rank advancement and merit badges and give special awards.


If you would like to join you can go to www.beascout.scouting.org and select Troop 1215 to begin the application process.

Thank you again for your interest in Scouting. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Yours in Scouting,

Peter Sweyer
Troop 1215 Committee Chairman

